sunbirth was founded by mother & certified Full-Spectrum Doula

sunbirth was born out of the will to heal. Believing in the Chukchi proverb, “Woman is by nature a shaman” I hold that healing begins with women and families, and all with the warmth of the sun

About Me


Hello, I’m Daniélle—a multicultural Afro-Indigenous and Scandinavian doula from Southern California. I’m double trained through Sumi’s Touch and Doula Trainings International (DTI). I’m a Fertility Awareness educator and have received additional education through Womb School, deepening my knowledge and connection to womb-centered health and wellness through a holistic and whole-body lens. I’m currently pursuing a degree in Postpartum and Baby Nutrition and Lactation education, and I hold degrees in Anthropology and History, combining my education, culture, and passions to help create and nurture the proverbial village that our ancestors, wise women, and families once knew. In 2020, I gave birth to my first child, Omni, at home in the mountains of Los Angeles. For questions, feel free to contact me directly via

What is a Doula?


The origin of the word Doula translates to with woman

A doula’s expertise is in providing emotional, physical, and informational support. The role of a doula is to help you feel empowered, informed, and supported throughout your fertility, pregnancy, birth, and postpartum experiences

What is a Holistic Doula?


My philosophy is rooted in honoring the entire self— body, mind, and spirit. As a holistic doula, my intention is to nurture an understanding of what is healthy for fertility, pregnancy, birth, postpartum, and parenthood. We live in a society that oftentimes separates us from our nature and intuition, and this is evident throughout the process of birthing and rearing children. My support intends to illuminate what is biologically normal and natural while offering care that is inspired by traditional healing modalities and spiritual influence. As an evidence-based doula, I ensure that my practice is grounded in honest information

I’d Be a Good Fit for You If

  • You feel the need for physical, emotional, or spiritual support as you transition into motherhood / parenthood

  • You need ongoing support from your “village” with household tasks & baby care

  • You intend to honor the first 40 days or a personalized dedicated postpartum time (postpartum is forever!)

  • You’d like support in lactation

  • You’re interested in learning more about holistic and evidence-based care for you and baby

  • You’re seeking nutrition guidance to help bring balance and healing back into the body post-birth